Haritha Krishna Eco-club
Education goes beyond classes with in the college building, it also continuous outside: if the college and students are motivated to grow a nice garden, the students will be able to enjoy themselves outdoors and at the same time be able to learn about the nature, environment, growing vegetables, fruits, and flowers, caring plants and ecofriendly lifestyle. This will not only give ambience to the college but also nurture nature friendly living in the students and staff of teaching and nonteaching.
Eco club plays an important role in spreading environmental awareness among student and mobilizing their participation in environment related activities. A group of people who are interested doing something towards environment can achieve much more than an individual can do. All sorts of clubs can be formed, but an Eco club will enable us to do something positive about the environment. The main purpose of Eco club is to make students feel, think, and be aware of the environmental issues.
II. A Brief History:
A Setting up- 1995-96: The idea of establishing a nature club was initiated by Dr. Smt. A Vanajakshi, IAS; Principal Secretary, Higher Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh during her visit to the college on 22.8.95. At a meeting convened with the members of Botany Department and Principal Sri Ch. Satyanarayana. She stressed the need for the making the college campus more beautiful by growing avenue, ornamental and horticultural varieties of plants by establishing a nature club in the college. Being a Botanist by herself, Dr.Vanjakshi, suggested that students must be made members of nature club and active participation of the principal, staff, and students must be ensured.
The efforts of Sri Satyanarayana, the principal of the college need to be remembered in setting up Haritha Krishna Nature Club. On 23.8.1995 the principal formed a committee to organize the activities of nature club and Smt. M. Kamala lecturer in Botany is made convenor with Dr. JVVSN Murthy and Dr. P Bharathi as members of the executive committee. A coordinating and advisory committee is also formed.